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Database for Giant Ideas!

Using the document-based data model, MongoDB is a new generation database with a flexible architecture, scalable and highly available, designed for modern application development needs.
The architecture and licensing approach offered by MongoDB creates a far superior alternative to the high-cost relational database technologies that were designed according to the needs of 40 years ago and that have difficulty in meeting the current needs of customers.

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Technical support

You can benefit from global support services of MongoDB 24 hours x 365 days. It also includes emergency security patching service against problems that may occur on your system.


Advanced Security

MongoDB Enterprise Advanced allows you to use Kerberos and LDAP authentication methods, and offers features such as data encryption and historical security control integrated into the database.


Easy Management

It offers a comfortable use with its graphical interface supported Ops Manager console. With MongoDB Compass, you can easily manage data thanks to the graphical interface provided without the need to use MongoDB query language.

MongoDB offers a flexible data model

Document-based data model architecture of MongoDB works in harmony with object-oriented application development languages of MongoDB. Database modeling is automatically shaped according to application needs. In this way, it does not require any additional effort for database modeling. You don't need to manage tables in the database for data types or new fields.
Documents are independent units. Data related to each other are read from disk simultaneously. MongoDB's performance is much better than relational databases where many tables need to be joined by "kon" operation. Instead of many tables, the data kept in a single document is easily distributed to different servers according to today's high availability needs.
Developing applications with MongoDB is much easier. The document-based data model is fully compatible with the class structure of object-oriented programming languages. There is no need for object-to-relational mapping required for relational databases.

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MongoDB Enterprise Advanced!

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MongoDB is scalable

Thanks to its modern design, MongoDB can easily grow on standard hardware when your data grows. Thanks to the sharding feature it offers, you can easily transform mongoDB clusters into an infrastructure consisting of thousands of servers, and you can easily add new servers to this structure without any interruption.
You do not need any additional tools or investments for the sharding feature of MongoDB.


MongoDB is maintainable

Contrary to the architectures of relational databases designed for the needs of 40 years ago, MongoDB has been developed with the principle of high availability and sustainability. With the replica set feature it offers, data can be automatically copied from primary servers to secondary servers. Any stoppage that may occur on the main or secondary servers in a replica set does not affect the operation. Users are not even aware of the malfunction in the system.

You can perform maintenance and version updates that may be required on the system without causing any interruptions. Replica set members can be serviced at different times or you can upgrade versions separately. MongoDB's modern design offers opportunities to prevent interruptions caused by database maintenance operations.

MongoDB is fast

With the joinless data model it offers, the data is kept in the same location on the disk. Thus, both updates and readings are much faster and easier than relational databases. In addition, thanks to the in-memory processing feature it offers, MongoDB is perfect for applications that need high performance.




MongoDB is ACID compliant

MongoDB offers multi-document ACID feature with version 4.0. The ACID feature in the same document in versions before 4.0 is also valid for multiple documents with 4.0. Thus, MongoDB fully meets all the features expected from a general purpose database, including financial transactions.


Why MongoDB Enterprise Advanced?

More than 1000 organizations around the world are already using MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Edition to secure their critical applications to the enterprise. With MongoDB Enterprise Advanced licensing, you can have powerful MongoDB support, management platform, corporate security and audit components, certification and other features.

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